Monday, 15 January 2007


hey guyz..actually,sorry coz cant attend 4 our discussion on presentation ari tuh..ive got datastruct lab..eniway,if wanna have a group meeting,we must betul2 choose time yg mmg xde sesaper yg got problem with it..we must start to going up our project start from now dah..we dont wanna got problem la nnt kalo buat las2 minute kan..orite,if i not mistaken,kalo ikut dlm presentation ari tuh im in interface n design rite?ive now onsearching to get our interface..baru on usha2 portal org laen laa..hurm..sounds gud also if we can have study group together..we have to guyz..kalo blajar sorang2 neh,dah la boring,konferm2 susah nk understand..orite,tomorrow our class,dun forget to read da chapter b4 lecture k..ngantuk already..gud nyte frenz..zZzZzZzZzZ

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