Friday, 29 December 2006

happy holiday!!!

today's uniten has been desolate. as usual, when long holiday coming up, uniten likes stadium that has no ceremony. why ha..? hmm nearly 4 years i'm study in uniten, same situation that i have facing. not for four days holiday like this, but two days holiday only also like that. if clubs in uniten want to do a program, driblet person can go. why student don't want to join the club huh? eh! run away from topic lah... whtever... i only want use this holiday at home. mak and abah...your daughter will back!! long time no see all of you at kluang. happy holiday, happy eid uladha and happy new year to all of you!!:)


aper la korang neh bocas..da 2 game pun still duk camtu gak..huhu..NO TEAM WORK NO GLORY !! but,dun be sad laa..hope u play better for incoming games..chaiyok2..

Thursday, 28 December 2006

Bocas 1- staff 3

wat hapend la bocas nie....always lose je...however,havy rains at first half leh la dijadikan reason why bocas lose.week communication between defender still cannot be accepted. but we believe when the uniten cup and tough combination will be build by the manager to face others club.thanx

New templates

dear my prenz !!!...pls help me find a better template for our blogs.ala....utk u all gak not gets bored when u view this blogs..kan3

today cLass..

hurm..ngantuk seyhh dlm kelas td..byk sgt weh..huh..SE neh mmg kene byk byk byk byk alot alot reading..huhu..hurm..kwn2 yg terer tuh nnt ley kiter stadi sesame k..


yesZZa..finally,im here to havoc2 with all of u guyz..after berhempas pulas make a new gmail..hurm,nor be an author !! haha..but not da admin mey..hehe..thanx to our dedication leader ASWAD,coz always membebel to me to join n post something on our bloG !! hehe..orite,hev fun on our blog,invite sume kwn2 kiter to view our blog k..


Thanks for joining this blog esspecially to aishah,fadz n alia who just joined today.welcome2


sOry lambat upDate blog ney..
if im not miStaken this is our thiRd blog rite aswad?..
finaLly..jadi gak blOg ney..
hurm..actually yang makes us susa nak wat blog ney is that all of us must use gmail rite..aduiii..da satu hal sume nak wat account baru,, dengan penuh semangat,, FINALLY!! WE MADE IT!! CONGRATs TO ALL OF US!!huhu..
i think im gonna stop here..ader claz jap g..
daa~ ^_^"


assalamualaikum and good morning,
sorry to say to all of my team members about unupdated this blog. this week i think too busy for me. maybe it is because of all classes have been start this week. i hope you all understand. thanks:)

p/s to aswad(leader) - did you tell madam that the url is change?

Wednesday, 27 December 2006

Boca Juniors vs Uniten Staff

Boca juniors will face the uniten staff at the mini stadium on thursday 5 pm.This is second match for bocas after lose to new castle 0-1 last friday.hope u guys can give a support for bocas for finding their victory...hehehe


Hopefully this new blog, which is our third blog works..huhuu...

new blog

Hye we switch to new blog name Pls enjoy n feel free to express your self..