Saturday, 27 January 2007

Client Requirement

Requirement on the portal:-

a) Introduction about the SE subject
b) Summary on the chapter that we have learn.
c) Give some example on every chapter.
d) Include problem and solution
e) Links to other portal related to Software Engineering
f) The benefit or the important of Software Engineering

Some of this requirement are new. No one from other group come out with this idea as pn badariah said.I think we still can come out with other idea to make our portal greater then others.hehe.

By the way, i still need co-operation from u guys.some of u still not doing and finish your task as we agree before.i dont want this situation would be continue untill the submission of this project.i dont like doing last minutes job.

Anyway, thanks for who done his/her job.

Thursday, 25 January 2007

State Diagram and Use-case Diagram

In today's lesson we have been discussing about two of the Modeling Notations for a system, which are Statechart diagram and Use-case diagram.
We also have learn on how to produce both diagrams.

Before starting to sketch a statechart diagram, we must difine all the states and stimulus that occur in the system.In the diagram, each state is represented by a rectangular, labeled with the system state, which has to be a noun. Each box is connected by arrows and the arrows are labeled with the stimulus to the state.

example of a Statechart Diagram:

Other Modeling Notation that we've discuss today is Use-case diagram. To produce a Use-case diagram, we have to defind all the actors that play role in the system. We also have to state the processes that the system does. In the diagram,an actor is represented by a stickman, and a process is labeled below an oval. A line between the actors and ovals has to be drawn clearly, to show how their connection to the process of the system.

example of a Use-case Diagram:

ps:for not having breakfast in class, as always, we looked blank and blurr in class, n Pn. Badariah suggested that maybe she has to bake a cake for us, for breakfast...hoho......ehehhee...bertuahnye jadi ur studs...

Tuesday, 23 January 2007


Work hard guys! waiting for aswad to give us our assignment!
as we discuss last week, from now on,we should not post any unnecassary thing..only things that related to our portal or s.e subject..huhu..nanti pn badariah mara...herm...

cepat la aswad! da x saba nak wat keje ney!

Everyone Task !!

We will do together on build the portal...this task will change when all the requirement for build the portal have been done

This is task that everyone agree with :

1) echah :- do the portal review and come out with draft idea

2) shah@ :- make an appointment with our client and get the client requirement

3) leya :- together with shah@ and get client requirement

4) fadz :- write and publish every meeting that we do

5) lela :- get and do some research on client requirement

6) aswad :- available on every task

we will do together on build the portal...this task will change when all the requirement have been collected.

p/s:- sorry for late posting on assign you guys for some reason