Saturday, 10 March 2007
Congrat to our bro!!!!
Our group member shaha with his band 'Tenac' has won the grand prize of Jamm Fest 07 last nite. next time on our presentation hope we can see shaha jump around (Melompat Lebih Tinggi) on the stage....hahaha..make pn badariah imprese la best...
Anyway, when look back to other band...i think Tenac just lucky to win. Compare with others, maybe the way Tenac perfom make judge decide and choose Tenac. However u guys deserve to win bro.
p/s: first time tgk shaha lompat2..hahahaha
Posted by aswad at 12:28 pm 0 comments
Labels: expression
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Low Carry Mark!!!
Do you realize we only got a low mark for our SE assignment and presentation. Compare with other group, i think we should do something. However, we should do together n always come out with great idea especially for our last assignment n presentation which is our SE Portal. For me, carry mark is important.
For those who still not view our latest carry mark :
Assignment 2 : 7/10
Presentation 1 : 4/5
Presentation 2 : 4/5
Total : 15.50
Group with Higher Carry mark
--------------------- -------------
Assignment 2 : 9/10
Presentation 1 : 4.25/5
Presentation 2 : 4.25/5
Total : 17.50
p/s: would u just sit down n relax while others got a higher mark then u????
Posted by aswad at 9:12 pm 0 comments
Labels: Announcment
what tips!!!
sorry la not attend se class todya.that is becoz i got a long sleep after stay late night for the uefa league.hehe...i hope Pn Badariah will forgive me.however....echah..dont kedekut2 la share what Pn Badariah told in the class. if not...i wont give back your pc...hahahaha
Posted by aswad at 6:15 pm 0 comments
Labels: expression
end of chapter 9..
today,we end of chapter 9..on dis chapter, we learn about all the stage on testing da programmed, hoe to testing the programmed,about the test plan and also we have disscus about little bit pass year question regarding on chapter 9..Pn badariah also give some hint to us about the overview or our final exam to finallize the question and the best way to answer them well..hehehe...for those whose absent today,quiet "rugi" laa..hehehe..orite..rajin2 la study for our final..
Posted by Anonymous at 9:29 am 0 comments
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
Stage of Testing
- Regression testing. Where this version of the software is tested with the automated test harnesses used with previous versions to ensure that the required features of the previous version are still working in the new version.
- Recovery testing. Where the software is deliberately interrupted in a number of ways, for example taking its hard disc off line or even turning the computer off, to ensure that the appropriate techniques for restoring any lost data will function.
- Security testing. Where unauthorised attempts to operate the software, or parts of it, are attempted. It might also include attempts to obtain access the data, or harm the software installation or even the system software. As with all types of security it is recognised that someone sufficiently determined will be able to obtain unauthorised access and the best that can be achieved is to make this process as difficult as possible.
- Stress testing. Where abnormal demands are made upon the software by increasing the rate at which it is asked to accept data, or the rate at which it is asked to produce information. More complex tests may attempt to create very large data sets or cause the software to make excessive demands on the operating system.
- Performance testing. Where the performance requirements, if any, are checked. These may include the size of the software when installed, the amount of main memory and/ or secondary storage it requires and the demands made of the operating system when running within normal limits or the response time.
- Usability testing. The process of usability measurement was introduced in the previous chapter. Even if usability prototypes have been tested whilst the application was constructed, a validation test of the finished product will always be required.
- Alpha and beta testing. This is where the software is released to the actual end users. An initial release, the alpha release, might be made to selected users who would be expected to report bugs and other detailed observations back to the production team. Once the application has passed through the alpha phase a beta release, possibly incorporating changes necessitated by the alpha phase, can be made to a larger more representative set users, before the final release is made to all users.
Posted by aswad at 10:38 am 0 comments
Labels: Class
Monday, 5 March 2007
This is our new task for portal.Pls do and search early :
1- echah - Interface design
2-fadz - SE subject info
- update diarie
3-layla - info and other component related to SE
- link to other info n portal
- SE note
- question and answer for past year exam
4-leya -* same as layla
5- shaha - do short summary on every chapter
6- aswad - available in every task for editing and others....
Posted by aswad at 10:41 am 0 comments
Labels: Announcment