Thursday, 29 March 2007

final presentation !!

this morning is our last presentation on SE of luck to our presenter,ALYA NAJWA ROSLAN and KAK LAYLA..wish u all da best..

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Official Portal !!!

This is our official se portal that has been created. However it still in 80% finish. Only need to add flash file. Hope we can finish it by today.


Thursday, 22 March 2007



DATE : 26nd MARCH 07
DAY : Monday
TIME : After 12pm (will be informed by aswad)


Tuesday, 20 March 2007



DATE : 22nd MARCH 07
TIME : 8.00AM-10.00AM

*compulsary for all member

Monday, 19 March 2007

another portal to try

This is another portal for u guys to try.Pls msg me to get username and password for admin

Saturday, 17 March 2007

SE Portal

We already create portal for our SE assignment..unfortunately, only 500 mhz available for that portal.that is because..we use free version n not paid any to get a bigger space.therefore, i need u guys try to find n search any web that provide bigger space and of course free of charge.

this is our address portal for now :

Saturday, 10 March 2007

Jamm Fest Winner

Congrat to our bro!!!!

Our group member shaha with his band 'Tenac' has won the grand prize of Jamm Fest 07 last nite. next time on our presentation hope we can see shaha jump around (Melompat Lebih Tinggi) on the stage....hahaha..make pn badariah imprese la best...

Anyway, when look back to other band...i think Tenac just lucky to win. Compare with others, maybe the way Tenac perfom make judge decide and choose Tenac. However u guys deserve to win bro.

p/s: first time tgk shaha lompat2..hahahaha

Thursday, 8 March 2007

Low Carry Mark!!!

Do you realize we only got a low mark for our SE assignment and presentation. Compare with other group, i think we should do something. However, we should do together n always come out with great idea especially for our last assignment n presentation which is our SE Portal. For me, carry mark is important.

For those who still not view our latest carry mark :

Assignment 2 : 7/10
Presentation 1 : 4/5
Presentation 2 : 4/5
Total : 15.50

Group with Higher Carry mark
--------------------- -------------
Assignment 2 : 9/10
Presentation 1 : 4.25/5
Presentation 2 : 4.25/5
Total : 17.50

p/s: would u just sit down n relax while others got a higher mark then u????

what tips!!!

sorry la not attend se class todya.that is becoz i got a long sleep after stay late night for the uefa league.hehe...i hope Pn Badariah will forgive me.however....echah..dont kedekut2 la share what Pn Badariah told in the class. if not...i wont give back your pc...hahahaha

end of chapter 9..

today,we end of chapter 9..on dis chapter, we learn about all the stage on testing da programmed, hoe to testing the programmed,about the test plan and also we have disscus about little bit pass year question regarding on chapter 9..Pn badariah also give some hint to us about the overview or our final exam to finallize the question and the best way to answer them well..hehehe...for those whose absent today,quiet "rugi" laa..hehehe..orite..rajin2 la study for our final..

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Stage of Testing

  • Regression testing. Where this version of the software is tested with the automated test harnesses used with previous versions to ensure that the required features of the previous version are still working in the new version.
  • Recovery testing. Where the software is deliberately interrupted in a number of ways, for example taking its hard disc off line or even turning the computer off, to ensure that the appropriate techniques for restoring any lost data will function.
  • Security testing. Where unauthorised attempts to operate the software, or parts of it, are attempted. It might also include attempts to obtain access the data, or harm the software installation or even the system software. As with all types of security it is recognised that someone sufficiently determined will be able to obtain unauthorised access and the best that can be achieved is to make this process as difficult as possible.
  • Stress testing. Where abnormal demands are made upon the software by increasing the rate at which it is asked to accept data, or the rate at which it is asked to produce information. More complex tests may attempt to create very large data sets or cause the software to make excessive demands on the operating system.
  • Performance testing. Where the performance requirements, if any, are checked. These may include the size of the software when installed, the amount of main memory and/ or secondary storage it requires and the demands made of the operating system when running within normal limits or the response time.
  • Usability testing. The process of usability measurement was introduced in the previous chapter. Even if usability prototypes have been tested whilst the application was constructed, a validation test of the finished product will always be required.
  • Alpha and beta testing. This is where the software is released to the actual end users. An initial release, the alpha release, might be made to selected users who would be expected to report bugs and other detailed observations back to the production team. Once the application has passed through the alpha phase a beta release, possibly incorporating changes necessitated by the alpha phase, can be made to a larger more representative set users, before the final release is made to all users.

Monday, 5 March 2007


This is our new task for portal.Pls do and search early :

1- echah - Interface design

2-fadz - SE subject info
- update diarie

3-layla - info and other component related to SE
- link to other info n portal
- SE note
- question and answer for past year exam
4-leya -* same as layla

5- shaha - do short summary on every chapter

6- aswad - available in every task for editing and others....

-[Soon we finish our task, early we can finish this assignment...]-

Thursday, 1 March 2007

Done with 2nd Presentation

Well done guys, finally we at last come out with finish SRS but a lots of error. Its still ok i think coz not only we not come with excelent SRS. We still in learn process isnt. However i learn much more about this group.Let it be my secret la yerk...and dont worry, i will serve my self as a group leader anyway.hahaha..

After this, we would go to the next task of our project. As i promise, i will do upload every one task. Hopefully u guys can accept wat i have decide like always.hehehe...anyway, we still need to come out with better profesional interface of our portal...i hope u guys can think something and do some research how profesional of portal by Pn Badariah .


Wednesday, 28 February 2007

presentation !!

tomorrow , is our 2nd presentation for our project..dats me and shaha yg akan present tomorrow..wish luck to us susah nak meeting skarang kan..but after dis,we are going to work hard for our exam pun just tggl 1 mont jer lagi..jgn kelam kabutkan mase study anda dengan projek2 dan segala assignment yg tergendala...k,daa~~

Draft for SE Final Exam!!!


-Tuesday, 3 April 2007.
-Aras 4 Library (800)

p/s: lets study together guys,our final just a month from today..hehe

Monday, 26 February 2007

Preparation on SRS !!!!

Maybe our team so late to produce srs...only u guys know the reason why kan...tmrw i like to have a meeting after class.Attendance are compulsory!!!!!!

Sunday, 25 February 2007

have u watch gost rider !!!

its been so long i think not post anything while we in break week. yesterday after i came from my back home..i decide not to go straight away to apartment but watch the movie at midvalley.its is my back home the closer town was Teluk Intan but wat make me borred with this town...there are no any such cinema at this small town. can u imagine how lonely this town for me..hahaha. So, yesterday i watch Gost Rider n from my point of view...i will give 5 stars because the awesome charachter of ghost rider which act by Nicolas Cage so tremendous. I really love the ghost rider charachter a lots. For me, its better from others comic movie like giler nak tgk lagi la !!!!!!!

Thursday, 15 February 2007

Announcment from Pn Badariah

Extended due dates for Assignment 2 (SRS): FYI & A

section 1: 26/02/07 by 2:00 p.m.
section 2: 01/03/07 by 8:00 a.m.

All the best!

I already decide!!!!

First presentation, fadz n i do the presentation. Next presentation, i need two of u either layla, echah, leya and shah@ to be the presenter.I will select randomly and i will upload here who the lucky guy would be our presenter on monday after our mid term break. Pls be prepare.

Tuesday, 13 February 2007

where is your assigment on SRS ??

ellop guys, dont u remember need to submit SRS to me yesterday...haha. its ok i think, bcoz im also busy yesterday..hope today u can send me SRS to my email..dont forget aaaaaa...

End of this season

Its really shame on me, im only one can be blame and bcoz of me,bocas not make it through to semi.I want to apologize to every team mate bcoz what im have done.sorry guys...

However,thanks for give me a chance to play with wonderful team (Boca Junior) for this season.

Monday, 12 February 2007

m E !!

da lamer x post sumthing ! bz sket n kurang sehat beberaper minggu sakit sikit..hehe..da fully recover now..da blh wat keje dah..aswad,sorry x dtg meeting mlm tuh..emergency mey!!but i knoe,without me pun everything is alrite we can start to da whole of our project..hopefully,it goes smooth n clear..chaiyok2 ma fren..

Sunday, 11 February 2007

New diary

I have to change the diary. I don't know what your expectation of this diary. I hope u all can comment it and tell me what i can do to make it more interesting to read. thank you.

Thursday, 8 February 2007

SRS task....

Assigment SRS for u guys...

We need to complete our srs and send to me on next monday.Complete task can be send to me by email Our srs are follow the example in Pn Badariah example for complete SRS and must follow the IEEE Recommended Practice for SRS (IEEE Std 830.1998)

Task :

1. shah@
1.1 Description of this document
1.2 Scope of project
1.3 Functionality
1.4 Purpose

2. aswad
1.5 Difinition
1.6 General Constraint

3. leya
2.1 Services
2.2 External Interface Requirement

4. layla
2.3 Other Non-Functional requirement

5. echah
3.1 Template describing functional requirement

6. fadz
4.1 System models
4.2 System architecture


Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Boca to the quater final

Today i had a moment that i never forget.For the first time in my life, all my team mate ran at me and give a big huge after i saved second penalty that make our team go to quater final.till now, that moment still play in my mind n make me hard to fall an asleep.hehe...i dont know how to express my self in term of that feeling.all i know..... i feel so great!!!

Boca Junior 4- Vasco Dagama 2 (penalty)

Monday, 5 February 2007

kata mutiara

i already put kata mutiara at the bottom of this whoever found any kata mutiara and like to are welcome to do so..


p/s:- i still waiting from u guys to give a suggestion for our next meeting place

Saturday, 3 February 2007

blog diary

fadz,here i like to give some comment on our diary.i like the new diary but the background was to dark.can u make it more lightly.because when it to dark, reader may have a problem to read and the worst thing one would like to read.One more thing, maybe u should put the date as a title to open a diary rather than long text.

however i appreciate what u have done and u do the great job.


Friday, 2 February 2007

Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

1 Introduction
- Purpose of the system
- Scope of the system
- Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
- References
- Overview

2 Overall Description
- Product perspective
- Product functions
- User characteristics
- Constraints
- Assumptions and dependencies

3 Specific requirements
- External interface requirements
- User interfaces
- Hardware interfaces
- Software interfaces
- Communications interfaces
- Functional requirements
- Performance requirements
- Design constraints
- Software system attributes
- Other requirements



Bocas to 2nd round...

~senyum kengkawan.....kita ke second round!!!!~

Thursday, 1 February 2007


Assalamualaikum n good day guys...

Yesterday we agree on the meeting to make another meeting on next tuesday night.This is for SRS for our portal.If any of u cannot attend pls let me know.I need to know where u guys think we should meet and who has laptop pls bring along.Another thing i like to mention here.....pls bring with u an example of SRS.

p/s: why anyone of u not post anything to this blogs in this week?

Story behind the festival

A long, long time ago- the world was torn apart by an infernal war between the Devas (celestial beings) and the Asuras (evil forces). Tired of constant attacks from the Asuras, the Devas paid homage to Lord Shiva and asked for his protection. Moved by their plight, Lord Shiva agreed to help the hapless Devas.
Lord Shiva opened the central eye on his forehead, radiating six sparks of fire. At the convergence of these sparks and through a series of celestial transformation, Lord Murugan appeared. He brought forward this powerful divine personality with elements of Himself and yet distinct from Him, powerful and brave enough to defeat the tyrannous Soorapadme - the meanest and most powerful of the Asuras. Armed with a Nyanya Vel (golden spear) presented to him by Lord Shiva, Lord Murugan went into battle with the evil force. A fierce battle ensued. Finally with one fatal stroke, Lord Murugan slayed Soorapadme. The divine converted one portion of the slain enemy into a peacock as his vehicle and the other portion into a cock adorning his banner.
Lord Murugan, the son of Lord Shiva is considered the very manifestation of valour, beauty, youthfulness, vitality, masculinity, valour and the abode of happiness. Thaipusam celebrates the very essence of Lord Murugan and the power of good over evil.

Monday, 29 January 2007


Assalamualaikum and good day everyone...

Here i like to announc that tomorow after class we have meeting.Pls let me know if u cannot attend .


Saturday, 27 January 2007

Client Requirement

Requirement on the portal:-

a) Introduction about the SE subject
b) Summary on the chapter that we have learn.
c) Give some example on every chapter.
d) Include problem and solution
e) Links to other portal related to Software Engineering
f) The benefit or the important of Software Engineering

Some of this requirement are new. No one from other group come out with this idea as pn badariah said.I think we still can come out with other idea to make our portal greater then others.hehe.

By the way, i still need co-operation from u guys.some of u still not doing and finish your task as we agree before.i dont want this situation would be continue untill the submission of this project.i dont like doing last minutes job.

Anyway, thanks for who done his/her job.

Thursday, 25 January 2007

State Diagram and Use-case Diagram

In today's lesson we have been discussing about two of the Modeling Notations for a system, which are Statechart diagram and Use-case diagram.
We also have learn on how to produce both diagrams.

Before starting to sketch a statechart diagram, we must difine all the states and stimulus that occur in the system.In the diagram, each state is represented by a rectangular, labeled with the system state, which has to be a noun. Each box is connected by arrows and the arrows are labeled with the stimulus to the state.

example of a Statechart Diagram:

Other Modeling Notation that we've discuss today is Use-case diagram. To produce a Use-case diagram, we have to defind all the actors that play role in the system. We also have to state the processes that the system does. In the diagram,an actor is represented by a stickman, and a process is labeled below an oval. A line between the actors and ovals has to be drawn clearly, to show how their connection to the process of the system.

example of a Use-case Diagram:

ps:for not having breakfast in class, as always, we looked blank and blurr in class, n Pn. Badariah suggested that maybe she has to bake a cake for us, for breakfast...hoho......ehehhee...bertuahnye jadi ur studs...

Tuesday, 23 January 2007


Work hard guys! waiting for aswad to give us our assignment!
as we discuss last week, from now on,we should not post any unnecassary thing..only things that related to our portal or s.e subject..huhu..nanti pn badariah mara...herm...

cepat la aswad! da x saba nak wat keje ney!

Everyone Task !!

We will do together on build the portal...this task will change when all the requirement for build the portal have been done

This is task that everyone agree with :

1) echah :- do the portal review and come out with draft idea

2) shah@ :- make an appointment with our client and get the client requirement

3) leya :- together with shah@ and get client requirement

4) fadz :- write and publish every meeting that we do

5) lela :- get and do some research on client requirement

6) aswad :- available on every task

we will do together on build the portal...this task will change when all the requirement have been collected.

p/s:- sorry for late posting on assign you guys for some reason

Thursday, 18 January 2007

Attention Please!

Hello everyone,

As we agreed in our meeting today,we have set a new time for our discussion as follow:-

TIME : Every Thursday,11.00 a.m-12.00 p.m

PLACE: BW-1-hallway.

We may have extra dicussion and meeting in a week base on the work loads and any futher info will be inform.

Thank you & Gambate!

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

chapter 4:Requirement Process

Visit to this site for extra understanding of requirement analysis that we have learn in the class:

talk about requirement...i think we should come out with something before we see Pn Badariah for our portal project.its remind me to popular reality tv show "The Apperentice".Every task that require them to see the client..they provide client a very good idea but some are not and that is before we see our lecturer its better we discuss first.

My weekend

I like to post anything that i think i can share with u guys.Last weekend i go to the place that i dream when im still child.Whenever i open my family album,i set in my mind..that i wanna go to that place no matter what and my dreams come true last sunday.This place is TUGU NEGARA.I wonder how many of you already went to that place.Maybe you have follow the school trip or what.ehe,for me...TUGU NEGARA is not just symbolic to our patriotic,but it is the place that you can hang around with your friend and family.It is a nice place also and save cost for your money.No parking fees and no entrance next trip i think...Melaka (Kota A Famosa).adeih,when in sek ren tak pernah nak ikut school trip...but when at this so excited to go thoose place.wakakaka.i wish my dream would come true.

Monday, 15 January 2007


hey guyz..actually,sorry coz cant attend 4 our discussion on presentation ari tuh..ive got datastruct lab..eniway,if wanna have a group meeting,we must betul2 choose time yg mmg xde sesaper yg got problem with it..we must start to going up our project start from now dah..we dont wanna got problem la nnt kalo buat las2 minute kan..orite,if i not mistaken,kalo ikut dlm presentation ari tuh im in interface n design rite?ive now onsearching to get our interface..baru on usha2 portal org laen laa..hurm..sounds gud also if we can have study group together..we have to guyz..kalo blajar sorang2 neh,dah la boring,konferm2 susah nk understand..orite,tomorrow our class,dun forget to read da chapter b4 lecture k..ngantuk already..gud nyte frenz..zZzZzZzZzZ

Saturday, 13 January 2007

so tired!!

this morning i have a football macth with the victory over torino.after 4 game finally we came with the result 3-1.what so funny about the game this morning...i talk to the refree that im hungry...can we finish its time for me to get sleep...

bored day

hmm...don't know what to write. today i'm very2 boring. don't know want to do what although many works to do. hmm....wake up fadzlena!! anyone can advice me??huh!

Friday, 12 January 2007

Happy Weekend!

Today i'm so excited because.... i'll go back home this evening..!
Weekending with my beloved family is the best thing ever..!!(urm...mummy's gurl...!hoho..!)
Anyway, happy weekend, have a great weekend you guys...
but layla, don't forget to do your assignments kay..!
oops...yeah...of course....!

Thursday, 11 January 2007

Sorry you guys for being late today..really wish that i could join you all for the presentation..eventhough there's few mistakes,overall i think we did a good job.Each of us should meet Pn Badariah often to gathered all information and requirement that she needs.It would really help us to finish this project.Looking forward for our next meeting because there's still a lot to discuss regarding this project.


After yesterday's brainstorming session , we'd finally manage to produce our WBS for our portal . and it wasn't as easy as i thought.
After the presentatation,I think we have to do some ammendment and correction for some errors, or i can say here, many errors,hoho,,, as suggested by Pn. Badariah.
Maybe it's time for us to take our project more seriously. I'm not saying that we didn't take it seriuosly, but we have to take it moooore seriiously..

Wut d'ya think, guys?

Check this out!!!


Our presentation does not like what we are is only simple and that is no problem for me to stand alone at the front of u guys.Usually, i will get nervous..hahaha.but thanks u guys for finish our task that we require come out with WBS of our portal.i think, we should start our next assignment which is SE portal.Actually, i like when we all gather and work as a team because at the same time..its help me to understand the subject that we are taken.If im study alone...i dont think that i will understand it untill the final exam and also cannot answer the final question.hehe..thanks u guys...

Wednesday, 10 January 2007


tomorrow is our 1st presentation on SE so nervous,what im going to talk hah??huhu..seems like scary meyh..hurm,but i must to face it..every semester,that is the 1st thing that ive become afraid..hahahah..but im talkative !! erm,so..go back and do your homework fren !! make our presentation 'gempak' !!

adioZzZzZ XpreSSi0N !!

Best of luck..

Liverpool 3-6 Arsenal..what an amazing result!!The best news that i got for really cheered me up.To Liverpool's fans seem like u're walking the way,I'm gald that we're able to finish up our group assignment.Really hope that we'll deliver what we're suppose to..kinda nervous for tomorrow presentation...anyway..GAMBATE!!


remember our disscussion at 2 pm today kay..huhu..
hope we can finish up our assignment today because tomorrow we have to present it in class..
i have no idea yet on what model we'll use for our project.
hope we'll decide it later..
c ya..!

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

SE cLAss

we have class today,but i cant attend the class because ive got sakit perut..hurm,r we still on chapter 2 or have move to chapter 3?do inform me if have anything to do k..this week is very busy week..ive got 3 assignment n 2 quizzez..huhu..make me pening pale to do..s0 byk keje..sorry coz long time didnt post s'thing on our blog..

Monday, 8 January 2007


flood has been moved from south to east malaysia. not just at malaysia facing the disaster, but in other country also, for the example durian's typhoon, eathquake and volcano's eruption. it's means that our earth is too old to live. we, as a human and islam must praying to Allah S.W.T to saving us from something bad happen. may Allah bless us. Ameen.

Bad Day..:(

Everythings seems dull and againts me today.I came in late for class cose i was stuck in a bad monday morning traffic.Everyone who's on the road seem to take their own sweet time driving and niglegting the one's who were really in a hurry by driving too slow.Wile i was rushing to get into the class i didnt notice that i'd walk into a wrong one because the class that i'd should be in had been tranferred.Wish that someone had informed me ealier to save me from an embarassment.Classes seems so boring today and i was really not in the mood for it.Not much input that i can gathered from today's lecture..hmm..looking forward for today's football practise.Hope that after training my mood would change and ill become fresher for tonight revision..

Sunday, 7 January 2007

Eye On Malaysia

Eye On Malaysia now become one of the Malaysian icon.After official ceremony Visit Malaysia 2007 last nigt with grand ceremony and lots of firework it is now ready for ride. The ticket was RM15 for adults and RM8 for children with 12 minutes duration of one ride.With 60 meters diameter make it one of attraction for tourist which located at Taman Titiwangsa,KL .Let's take this oppurtunity to have an experience on this ferris wheel which promise you a great view of KL

Thursday, 4 January 2007

New looks....

hye im already add links and shoutbox to our page element.lets me know if u have another things to add...but still waiting for u guys to come out and give an example for templates.i got a problem to upload templates from other resource...hope someone can help me.

Wednesday, 3 January 2007

yahoo mail!!bro act!!

hurm...why ha?? it's too hard if yahoo mail got a problem. why? because all information from lecturer will send in my yahoo mail.. how ha..if i'm not mistaken, i heard that it's interconnected from earthquake at Taiwan or China...hehe is it true?i pon don't know la...
erm...the second problem is virus-bro act...uwaaa so sad. i don't know how to solve this problem. all anti-virus cannot detect this virus. very tricky ha this virus..erm..but i have the final solution..that is format the pc...hoho good bye my beloved virus;)

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

prob with yahoo mail..ARGHHHH!!!

tension giler....wat hapend with yahoo mail ari pren send an assignment but i cannot login..dah la sok nak kena submit...iskh

welcome back!!!!

Happy New Year everybody!!!!! ...let me ask u guys...what is the meaning of the new year for you.... many people will set their azam to achieve.but for me....i donno wat i want to achieve for every year.if u ask wat is my azam is...the answer was...secret...also i dont have any principe of my life...wat i always do...just let wat its come to me n always bersyukur for wat god giving to pls let me know wat is the meaning AZAM for u ?do i need AZAM ?